Sunday, August 13, 2017

Phil Devin Consultants - Sitoutunut antamaan sinulle luotettava Real Estate Service

Koska sen perustamisesta, Phil Devin Real Estate on sitoutunut tarjoamaan aitoa ja parempaa kiinteistöjen palvelun eri ihmisille ympäri Australiaa. Ei ole yllätys, että tämä pieni-boutique viraston ympäristö sai luottamuksen monet ihmiset etsivät että ammatillisen kiinteistöjen apua. Se on myös tunnettu sen reagoiva, yksityiskohtainen ja henkilökohtainen palvelu.

Odottaa positiivista tulosta, kun olet päättänyt työskennellä henkilökohtaisesti Phil Devin. Hän ei sisälly yksi luotettu kiinteistöjen ammattilaisia omalla alueellaan, jos hän ei tarjoa palvelua jokainen asiakas ansaitsee. Hän on myös mukana paljon onnistuneita projekteja hänen monen vuoden kiinteistöjen palvelu, ja tarpeisiin hänen asiakkaansa on hänen ensisijainen tavoite.

Phil on huolellinen tehdessään työnsä jossa hän ei anna yhtä yksityiskohtaisesti kulkea tarkistamatta sitä, koska hän on omistettu tarkkuutta varmistaa laadukkaan tuloksen. Phil voi myös kehittää oikea ratkaisu sinulle perustuu hänen rehellinen tuomio oman kiinteistöjen tarpeisiin. Todistaja hänen loputon sitoutuminen antaa sinulle tuloksia olet toivonut.

Voit olla varma, Phil on laaja kokemus kiinteistöjen ja hänen luotettavaa tietoa, ja odottaa, että hän oikein opastaa sinua koko prosessin. Hän sekoittaa ammatti taitoa ja approachability erittäin hyvin, kun hän keskustelee asioista hänen asiakkaansa. Löydät myös asiakkaiden arviot hänestä täynnä kiitosta ja jopa suositella hänelle heidän perheensä ja ystävänsä.

Kun kaikki nämä sanoi edellä, on selvää, että Phil on jo vankka perusta kiinteistöihin ja voit olla varma hänen fiksu tavalla. Mutta hän ei lopeta oppimista, koska hänelle jatkuva oppiminen on välttämätöntä.

Phil Devin Consultants on perustettu, koska Phil halusi tarjota hänen "parempaa palvelua ja parempia tuloksia" enemmän ihmisiä ja laajentaa hänen ulottuvillasi. Virasto jatkaa kasvuaan ja antaa sen kiinteistöjen palvelun monille Australiassa.

Jos käyt sen virallisella verkkosivustolla, näet paljon ominaisuuksia, jotka voivat auttaa sinua kiinteistön huolta, koska sen avulla käyttäjät voivat pyytää arviointia, Etsi kiinteistöjä vuokrataan tai on myyty, täytä-up vuokra-hakemus, tai jopa pyytää huoltoa. Tiedustele Palvelut Phil Devin kiinteistöjen tänään ja oppia lisää sen onnistuneen taustan.

Tietoja meistä

Puhu kaikille, jotka ovat kokeneet prosessi ostaa tai myydä kiinteistöjä ja usein niiden tulokset ovat yhdistelmä stressiä, pettymys ja lopulta kompromissi! Yksi monista tavoitteistani on varmistaa, että seuraava siirto on myönteinen.

Aloitin Phil Devin kiinteistöjen kanssa yksi yksinkertainen tehtävä: "tuottaa tuloksia, jotka ylittävät asiakkaidemme odotukset".

Mikä does nyt kuluva alhainen ajaksi te?

·         Tiedän, että olet kiireinen ja kunnioitan aikaasi. Kun me asettaa nimittäminen ja i'll olla siellä.

·         Kun sanon jotain voidaan tehdä... voit luottaa siihen.

·         En yritä lumen ihmisiä tai piilottaa tietoja. Im ' aivan jokseenkin ilmaiseminen.

·         En ole sitä mistään yhden liike toimen-olen sitä pitkän matkan... elinikäisen suhteita.

·         Tämä tarkoittaa, i'll työtä saada tuloksen ansaitsette.

Loppujen lopuksi, kun ostat tai myydä minulle, se tulee alas oman päätöksensä, mikä on sinulle oikea ratkaisu. Tavoitteenani on varmistaa, että sinulla on tarpeeksi tietoa tehdä päätös voit olla tyytyväinen alas radan. Kun valitset minut auttamaan sinua ostamaan tai myymään kotisi voit luottaa reagoiva, laatu, kattava ja henkilökohtainen palvelu.

"pettymys on ero sen välillä, mitä asiakas odottaa ja mitä agentti toimittaa"

Tiedän, että asiakkaani ovat himo käsitellä "ammattilainen", joka voi "kuunnella" niiden yksittäisten haluaa ja tarvitsee ja tarjota ratkaisuja heille!

Phil Devin on, että ammattilainen!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Galveston News Reviews: Rosenberg Library's March Treasure

Antique Pocket Watches

Today’s watches - worn on the wrist - are increasingly high-tech, providing not only the time and date, but also GPS navigation, fitness tracking, and internet access. However, for most of history, people carried simple watches in their pockets in order to tell time. Also called “pocket clocks” pocket watches were used until WWI when the wrist watch was developed.

During the month of March, Rosenberg Library will exhibit an assortment of antique pocket watches from its museum collection.

Pocket Clocks

By the late 1400s, small, spring-driven clocks were being manufactured in Italy and Germany. The earliest European watches only had an hour hand; the minute hand did not appear until the late 1600s. Typically, the watch face was covered by a hinged brass plate rather than with glass. These watches were often worn on a chain around a neck, and only later were watches carried in a pocket. Pocket watches were usually attached to a chain to prevent them from being dropped or broken.

Pocket Watch Styles

There are three main types of pocket watches: open-face, hunter, and demi-hunter. An open-face watch lacks a protective cover over the crystal but is covered by a thick piece of glass. Conversely, hunter watches have a thin glass face but are protected by a metal cover which opens with a springed hinge. This keeps the watch from getting dirty or scratched. A demi-hunter also has a springed hinge cover, but it features a glass panel on the outer cover so that the time can be read without opening it. Cases for pocket watches were most often made from metal, though less durable ceramic and glass cases were also manufactured.

American Watch Makers

Although early Americans owned watches imported from Europe, pocket watches were not manufactured in America until the 1830s. Even then, American-made watches were only produced on a small scale and many people could not afford to purchase them. However, by the mid-1850s, innovative American companies (including Elgin, Waltham, and Hamilton) had developed machine-made, interchangeable watch parts and had begun to utilize assembly-line production. This enabled American watch makers to offer mass-produced watches at a low price to consumers.

In 1896, the mail order firm of R.H. Ingersoll and Bros. began selling wholesale watches for $1 apiece. Dubbed “The Watch that Made the Dollar Famous” Ingersoll’s dollar watches became wildly popular and within 20 years, 40 million units had been sold. Despite this initial success, Ingersoll and Bros. declared bankruptcy in 1921 during the post WWI recession.

For higher-end consumers, the iconic American jewelry firm Tiffany and Co. also produced pocket watches. Tiffany partnered with Patek Phillipe, a prestigious Swiss watchmaking firm which produced a line of luxury, handcrafted watches for the Tiffany brand in its Geneva factory.

The Emergence of the Wristwatch

During WWI, the trench watch was developed. This was a transitional design combining elements of both the pocket watch and the wrist watch. Military personnel found it more convenient to wear a watch on the wrist than to carry it in a pocket. This trend spread to the general public, and by the 1940s, wrist watches had become the much preferred timekeeping accessory.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Galveston News: Researchers Find New Gene Interaction Associated With Increased MS Risk

A person carrying variants of two particular genes could be almost three times more likely to develop multiple sclerosis, according to the latest findings from scientists at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and Duke University Medical Center.

One of these variants is in IL7R, a gene previously associated with MS, and the other in DDX39B, a gene not previously connected to the disease.

The discovery could open the way to the development of more accurate tests to identify those at greatest risk of MS, and possibly other autoimmune disorders, the researchers said.

The findings are published in the latest issue of Cell.

A disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain, MS is a major cause of neurological disease in younger adults, from 20 to 50 years of age, and disproportionally affects women. While treatable, there is no cure for MS, which can lead to problems with vision, muscle control, balance, basic body functions, among other symptoms, and could lead to disability.

Available treatments have adverse side effects as they focus on slowing the progression of the disease through suppression of the immune system.

Thanks to the collaboration between scientists at UTMB, Duke, University of California, Berkeley, and Case Western Reserve University, researchers found that when two particular DNA variants in the DDX39B and IL7R genes are present in a person’s genetic code, their interaction can lead to an over production of a protein, sIL7R. That protein’s interactions with the body’s immune system plays an important, but not completely understood, role in MS. 

“Our study identifies an interaction with a known MS risk gene to unlock a new MS candidate gene, and in doing so, open up a novel mechanism that is associated with the risk of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases,” said Simon Gregory, director of Genomics and Epigenetics at the Duke Molecular Physiology Institute at Duke University Medical Center and co-lead author of the paper in Cell.

This new information has potentially important applications.

“We can use this information at hand to craft tests that could allow earlier and more accurate diagnoses of multiple sclerosis, and uncover new avenues to expand the therapeutic toolkit to fight MS, and perhaps other autoimmune disorders,” said Gaddiel Galarza-Muñoz, first author on the study and postdoctoral fellow at UTMB.

It can sometimes take years before an MS patient is properly diagnosed allowing the diseases to progress and resulting in further damage to the nervous system before treatment begins. 

With more accurate measures of risk, health care providers would be able to screen individuals with family histories of MS or with other suspicious symptoms. It could lead those with certain genotypes to be more vigilant.

“One could envision how this type of knowledge will someday lead to diagnose multiple sclerosis sooner and, now that we have promising therapies, a doctor could start the appropriate treatment more quickly. It is not out the realm of possibility to imagine a path for screening for other autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 Diabetes,” said Dr. Mariano Garcia-Blanco, Professor and Chair of the department of biochemistry and molecular biology at UTMB, and co-lead author of the paper.

For Garcia-Blanco the fight against MS is personal. He was already working on research related to MS when in 2012 he found out his daughter, then in her late 20s, had been diagnosed with the disease. Garcia-Blanco said this refocused his efforts on his MS related work.

“I’m much more aware now of how the work we do in the lab could someday lead to something that can be used to help those who have to live with MS”, Garcia-Blanco said.

Other study authors include Farren B.S. Briggs, Irina Evsyukova, Geraldine Schott-Lerner, Edward M. Kennedy, Tinashe Nyanhete, Liuyang Wang, Laura Bergamaschi, Steven G. Widen, Georgia D. Tomaras, Dennis C. Ko, Shelton S. Bradrick and Lisa F. Barcellos.

The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health, National MS Society Pilot Award, Duke University Whitehead Scholarship, Ruth and A. Morris Williams Faculty Research Prize funds from Duke University School of Medicine, start-up funds from UTMB and funds from Mr. Herman Stone and family for MS research.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Capital Group Financial Advisor: US Stocks May Not Be as Expensive as They Seem

U.S. stocks would seem to be expensive. Markets are at historic highs. Investors are currently paying more than 21 times what companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 have earned over the past 12 months, according to operating earnings from S&P Dow Jones Indices. Investors are paying well above the 18.8 average multiple they’ve paid for stocks since 1988, S&P data shows.

Don’t take this as a signal to sell, though, says Darrell Spence, an economist at Capital Group. Reading too much into this one data point could cause long-term investors to miss out on future gains. “It could be possible for the S&P 500 to post an increase in 2017, despite the full starting valuation,” he says.

Here are four reasons why long-term investors should look beyond the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio:

1.The P/E ratio isn’t always a predictor of future stock movements.

Just because the market’s P/E ratio is high doesn’t mean stocks must fall. Several bull markets had plenty of life left even when the P/E ratio topped 20. You don’t have to go back far to find an example. The S&P 500’s P/E ratio has been above 20 since the end of the fourth quarter of 2015. But since then, stocks have added more than 10% as investors priced in better corporate profit growth. Even in the third quarter of 1992, the market might have seemed richly priced with a P/E of 21. But that was just the beginning of a major bull run that propelled stocks 157% higher, including dividends, in the following five years.

2. P/E ratios must be put into context.

When interest rates are low and the economy is healthy, investors can justify paying higher valuations for stocks, according to Spence. Companies’ future earnings are more valuable when rates are low. There’s little evidence rates are about to move higher soon, given the aggressive moves the U.S. central bank undertook to buy Treasuries, he says.

3. Companies can “grow into” valuations.

Market prices are only one part of the math that determines stock valuations. Corporate profits are the other. If earnings growth resumes, as Spence expects it will in 2017, stocks can justify their current valuations and then some. S&P 500 companies could boost their operating earnings per share this year by 13%, he forecasts. At current prices, if earnings grew 13% in 2017, stocks would be trading at 18.6 times trailing earnings.

4. Economic tailwinds can make stocks more valuable.

Higher valuations can be justified by a number of factors. Economic activity in the U.S., for instance, is improving. Risks of economic distress are low and the new presidential administration is promising stimulative fiscal spending on infrastructure projects, not to mention tax cuts.

But perhaps most importantly, the Federal Reserve has been slow to increase interest rates while other central banks around the world are still working to keep their interest rates low to stoke economies. Low bond rates translate into higher P/E ratios when the economy is healthy, Spence says.

There are risks. A sharp rise in interest rates could change the math and make stocks suddenly look more expensive. A change in direction by the world’s central banks to take away the monetary stimulus could also make stocks more pricey. A strong U.S. dollar could also hurt U.S. companies’ exports.

So despite valuations that would appear stretched, there’s still opportunity in the market. Investors might have to just mute their expectations. What’s reasonable? Add the economy’s hypothetical growth of 2.5% to the expected inflation rate of 2.5% and the S&P 500’s dividend yield of 2%, and that could correspond to a 7% expected total return for U.S. stocks.

“Is the P/E ratio a perfect indicator of the future? The answer is no,” Spence says.  “But higher valuations still appear sustainable.”

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Galveston Financial Capital: Success Stories

GCSBDC Helps Make Local Take-Out Delivery A Possibility

Anthony Vela, CEO of Space City Takeout, LLC located in the Clear Lake area started his business in April 2012. A popular business industry on the West Coast, his idea has taken off very well. Space City Takeout provides meal delivery from local restaurants to hotels, businesses, and residential customers. He has expanded his catering services to local corporations in the area. His company is continually adding more restaurants providing more variety for his customers.  His residential customers say, “Space City Takeout is a fantastic service for after you get home from work and just don't want to drive anymore. Their prompt courteous drivers are a great alternative. Give them a try and I am sure you will be hooked like us.”

Mr. Vela started his company with his own capital and has grown very rapidly for the last two years with a profit so far for 2014, largely due to his keen sense of business and a determination to succeed. The company has a growth of 706% from 2012 to 2013.  As of 2013 to 2014, it is currently about a 200% growth rate. The residential database was 274 people in 2012, 1754 in 2013 and 2955 as of today. His company works with 18 restaurants and services 28 Hotels and approximately 200 businesses. Vela says, “Restaurants that partner with Space City Takeout benefit by receiving incremental sales that positively affect their bottom lines.  It is simple takeout orders for the restaurants. These sales are generated through Space City Takeout's marketing utilizing a variety of print and digital methods targeting busy professionals who have a need to have their food delivered. The marketing methods used to generate sales to restaurants include targeted mailed menu guides, postcards, SEO/SEM, social media and newspaper inserts etc..."

Due to his rapid growth, he has recently obtained his first business loan for working capital to assist with expansion. He has gone from 5 employees to 13 at this time and continues to grow.

When Anthony first became a client of Galveston County Small Business Development Center in Texas City his successful business was only in the “idea stage”.  The SBDC has helped him since conception to prepare a business plan, set up QuickBooks for his bookkeeping records, offer him management guidance, marketing, strategic planning advice, and assistance with the search for and request funding for growth. Anthony knows the SBDC Business Advisors are here for him every step of the way in his business. 

GCSBDC Assists Local Business Woman in New Venture

Janice Weatherspoon has worked with the GCSBDC since the start of her business when the GCSBDC assisted her in getting a business loan to start her day care business with 6 employees.   She has continued to work with the GCSBDC to acquire the business management skills she needed to continue in business and to create 19 new jobs.

Janice being the entrepreneur that she is decided that the vacant space next to her daycare was the perfect place for her new venture. Janice opened A Brighter Day Arts & Event Center in 2014. The event center boasts private meeting rooms, full kitchen, state-of-the art sound system, dance floor and much more.

Janice knew that the GCSBDC was with her every step of the way. From utilizing Quickbooks to obtaining loans Janice knew that the GCSBDC would help her to get where she wanted to go. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Careconnect Health Insurance Group Review: How Much Water Do You Really Need?

Google “how much water should I drink each day,” and you get upwards of six million hits -- half of them, probably, telling you to drink eight 8-ounce glasses every day and the other half telling you to ignore that advice. Here’s the good news: Most healthy people drink enough water and other liquids by simply responding to their thirst (which is the first sign of dehydration), says Nancy Copperman, RD, assistant vice president of public health and community partnerships for Northwell Health. Still, Copperman says, people do make a number of common mistakes when it comes to staying hydrated in the heat. Here are her rules for healthy summer drinking:

1. Eight isn’t enough.

The eight-by-eight rule (eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily) may be easy to remember, but the current recommendations for daily fluid intake from the Institute of Medicine are actually even higher: about 13 cups a day for men and 9 cups a day for women. That may sound like a lot, but it becomes less daunting if you spread your liquid refreshment throughout the day -- definitely the best way to do it, says Copperman.

2. Your needs change with the weather (and your altitude…and other factors).

Think of the IOM recommendation as a baseline, but know that you may need to drink extra if you’re exercising, or if you’re in a hot or humid environment. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also get additional fluids, as should anyone at a high altitude. “If you live on Long Island and you’re vacationing in the mountains, you should drink more than you normally would,” says Copperman.

3. Tea and coffee count toward your total...

“We used to think that coffee and tea were dehydrating because caffeine is a diuretic,” says Copperman, “but studies have found it really doesn’t have a major effect.” So it’s fine to drink coffee and tea as part of your daily fluid intake. Just make sure you’re not only drinking caffeinated beverages throughout the day, because that can cause other health issues. And limit milk and sugar, which add calories.

4. …but steer clear of soda.

Yes, soda is a tasty way to rehydrate – but it’s a major source of empty calories. What’s more, studies have shown that a habit of drinking soda or other sweetened beverages raises your risk of diabetes. If you’re engaging in strenuous activity for more than 30 minutes, a sports drink containing electrolytes and a modest amount of sugar can be helpful. In general, though, your best defense against dehydration is water.

5. Tired of drinking? Try eating your water.

Watermelon is about 92% water, according to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine – and cucumber has it beat at 97% water. Even fruits and veggies that are less obviously water-logged, like cauliflower and spinach, can be good sources of H2O. So are liquid-based foods like soups, puddings, and popsicles. Want to get your fluid the trendy way? Coconuts are a hydration gem, says Copperman. She recommends plain coconut water (with no sugar added). Not only does it contain electrolytes like potassium, it has a naturally sweet taste. To your health!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Investment Tips: Investment Type Suited for your Needs

There are tons of different ways to invest your money. The real question here is what type of investment is right for you? Looking for the most suitable investment type that will reap a good harvest is a daunting task.

One biggest element in growing your wealth is the value of return you will get on your investment. There are occasions where you may need to put your money somewhere for a while, although you won’t acquire very good revenue (short-term investments). Or you may also be willing to take a risk and consider a long-term investment that has a higher probability of maximizing your returns. Whichever investment type you choose, here is a guide to the most common short-term and long-term vehicles you might want to consider.


Bank savings account: This is the most availed saving medium used by many people. Bank savings account has low monetary return but this is much more preferable than using your old piggy banks.

Money market funds: This have higher returns compared to bank savings account, however, certificate of deposit are much more preferable than money market funds when it comes to earning more.  Money market funds are designed with a maintaining value of $1 per share at all times.

Certificate of deposit (CD): The interest rate on CD’s depends on its fixed maturity date. The maturity date is fixed which means that you cannot get your money (there’s a penalty if you want to) not until the maturity expires. The accumulated interest plus the original amount will be returned once the maturity ends. It’s a specialized deposit issued by commercial banks and are usually insured up to $100,000.


Bonds: This type of investment option is where an investor loans money to a government or corporation to finance their various projects and activities. In return, the investor will be the owner of the bond and the issuer who borrows the money for a defined period of time will pay a fixed rate of interest during the life of the bond.

Stocks: Stocks is a type of investment where a company or business allows an individual to own a portion of the company. The worth value in the market of the share is proportional to the company’s growth.

Mutual funds: It is an investment vehicle where investors pool their money to invest in securities such as stocks, bonds, money markets that money managers think as worthwhile. 


Planning for retirement should now occupy your mind. Nowadays, various special plans are created for retirement savings and many of these allow the early transfer of money from your paycheck before the deduction of taxes. If you intend to buy a home or pay for education, there are some retirement plans which allow early withdrawal of your money without penalty fees. In some cases, making retirement savings as collateral to borrow money from the account or apply for a low-interest secured loan is permitted too.

Individual retirement account (IRA): IRA’s are specialized accounts which allow the account holder to invest the money freely in any manner. In this type of retirement plan, you will not be taxed unless you withdraw your fund. If you meet certain requirements, IRA payments may be considered tax deductible.

Roth IRA: This type of retirement plan does not demand tax payments on your contributions and offers exemption from federal taxes when you decided to withdraw from the account.

401(k): Employers offer this type of retirement savings and most commonly a suitable choice for many people. 401(k) has tax advantages with the potential benefit of corporate matching.

403(b): This retirement plan is the nonprofit version of a 401(k) plan. There is also a so-called 457 plan offered by the local and state government.

Keogh: A tax-deferred special type of IRA for self-employed individuals or small businesses for retirement purposes.

Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan: A Keogh-based plan established by employers and self-employed individuals to provide retirement plans that are easier to administer compared to normal pension plans.

A closer look at stocks

Stocks have much better returns compared to bonds and other investment vehicles. Investing in stocks means being one of the many owners of a company, thus, you have a claim on every asset and earning the company generates. The higher your share, the greater your ownership stake in the company. The existence of stock market starts in the 16th century by Dutch corporations as a way for businessmen to finance their company using investor’s money. In return, the investor can claim ownership of assets and profits of a company as a part-owner.

What is common stock?

Common stock is the most prevailing type of stock most people choose since anyone can participate in buying this type of investment without imposing restrictions. When you purchase a common stock, you become a part-owner of the company with the power to vote or elect a board of directors. The board of directors is a group of individuals capable of influencing corporate policies and decisions for the growth of the company. If they want to fire the company manager, they can do so because they possess the power to manage the entire company. However, if the company doesn’t generate a positive income, the value of shares will decrease too. In the event of company bankruptcy, the stock will then become worthless.

Classes of Stock

Usually, the difference between the classes of stock is a number of voting rights assigned. As an example, Class B share can have a single vote for each share while Class A possesses 10 votes per share. This is often considered an unfair deal for many investors and they often avoid companies with this kind of strategy. And the reason for creating this is for the owner to retain the control over the business. They usually give the class of shares with the fewest number of votes to the public while reserving the class with the largest number of votes attached to it for the owners and major investors.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Investing Review: Creating Short-Term Savings in 60 Seconds

What if your air-conditioner suddenly decided to give up its ghost? Do you resurrect it (replace it with a new functioning unit) using a credit card and then scrimp on your meals for half a year in order to cover the cost of enjoying a cool summer and a warm winter?

Small and big accidents can happen and it helps a lot if you have the cash to insulate you from the worry and stress. Spend the next 60 seconds to learn how to create a short-term bundle of cash effectively.

Estimate your monthly expenses

The main purpose of having a bank savings is to have the cash to spend for essential needs in the event of unexpected or unfortunate life situations. Ask yourself then how much you would need in case that happens (Heaven forbid). It is as simple as asking yourself how much you spend every month.

You can add up what you spend monthly on your basic needs, such as food, house rental or mortgage payment, transportation cost and other expenses you regularly incur for yourself and your family.

Include an additional amount for unexpected expenses

This could include average surprises such as a broken pipe or substantial ones such as losing a job. Bring your budget up to take care of the usual needs you spend for while looking for a new job. Next, compute the amount you would have to raise during the time you would be unemployed by multiplying the monthly income you lost by the number of months (say, you would be job-hunting for 3 to 5 months). In addition, you can integrate whatever available cash sources you may have and other expenses to cover the needs of people who depend on you financially.

There you go. That rounds up the figure you have to save as an emergency savings account.

It is time to see into your future expenses, from 1 to 5 years

Having accomplished the first step, think of other cash needs you have in mind. Does your fence need repainting? Do the children need dental check-ups? Your family has always wanted to go to Hawaii? Such plans should find a place in your short-term savings account. Sit down and crank up the figures to derive an amount for the next few years.

Think about how fast you will achieve this objective

You need to raise the amount in the least possible time because emergency expenses are like thieves that strike when you least expect them. Determine how much you can comfortably spare monthly to that pot. You cannot afford to avoid this call; so for your own good, take it. Your survival rests on its being there to turn to. Having done that, you can then estimate your non-emergency short-term savings. (We have savings calculators you can use to do this.)

Decide where to put your stash

Consider how you can get your hands readily on the money you have kept away for any eventuality. No sense preparing for an emergency without the hardware being there when you need it. Hence, you must choose a secure place for your money – that is, it must not be an investment which is as fickle as the weather in Seattle. Here are the possible choices:

·         Money market mutual funds
·         High-yielding savings accounts
·         Money market accounts

For savings intended for expenses that we refer to as non-emergency (those which you really wish you could spend on a whim), liquid investments can provide a better return on your money. These include certificates of deposit. For more info on this type of instrument, check this out for articles.

Compare the various types of investments online

You can check out bank adverts in the media, compare national rates on, find out how much your broker pays on cash in your brokerage account, know more about money market funds from iMoneyNet and ask your credit card union and your bank what they offer. Investigate the following:

·         What are the relative returns for equal time frames?
·         What are the prevailing interest rates?
·         Over what time frame do these rates apply?
·         What are the fees for buying and holding the investment?
·         What is the smallest investment allowed for attractive interest rates?

(Be careful of some institutions which attract investors with high rates too avoid getting scammed and to get your attention but bring them down once you negotiate. Look over the actual rates in the past at to check how the interest rates change over time.)

Work the plan!

Time is running short, if you have not noticed by now. You need to have a short-term emergency savings today, not tomorrow! Do not wait until you find yourself paying an onerous credit-card debt incurred because your smartphone broke, the plumbing leaked, the wife got sick or the winds blew away your roof.

Bonus tip: Force your savings!

In case it is not your habit to save, you need not worry as an automatic salary-deduction or transfer can help you move in right away. Talk to your employer if the company can split your paycheck (direct deposit) into your regular account and your short-term savings account. Or you can have an auto-transfer from your checking account into your emergency account.

There is more, if you still have time.

Some valuable links for you – click away:

Where to keep your cash
Steps to take to build a cash-stash
Safeguard your finances for your peace of mind
Easy computations for figuring out a rainy-day savings
Where to find a high-yield account for your short-term savings (Our Banking collection can help you today)

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Careconnect Health Insurance Group Review: 5 Top Sunscreen Mistakes to Avoid

Good news: Warm temperatures, backyard barbecues and trips to the beach are probably all in your near future.

Bad news: All those wonderful things mean you’ll be exposing yourself to the sun – and, maybe, raising your risk of skin cancer. May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and today, the first Monday in May, is Melanoma Monday. That means it’s a good time to make sure you’re taking steps to protect yourself from all kinds of skin cancer, including melanoma, which kills an estimated one person every hour in the United States.

It’s key to use sunscreen year-round to guard yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays, says Katy Burris, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine -- but it’s especially important when you’re spending more time outside and wearing less clothing. Unfortunately, she says, many people don’t get the full benefit of their sunscreen, thanks to some common mistakes. Here’s what Burris sees many of her patients doing wrong, and how to make it right.

The wrong way: You put it on and forget it.

To make it right: Reapply…and then do it again.

“The number-one mistake people make is that they think sunscreens are a one-and-done sort of thing,” says Burris. But sunscreen loses its potency quicker than you think. If you’re spending the day outdoors, reapply sunscreen to exposed skin every two hours. If you’re swimming or sweating, make that every hour.

The wrong way: You ration out your sunscreen.

To make it right: Don’t be stingy.

Think you can make a bottle of sunscreen last through an entire week at the beach? Bad idea. “The average bottle of sunscreen should only last two to three days for a single person when applied correctly,” says Burris. The rule of thumb when you’re using a sunscreen lotion: To cover your whole body, use at least enough to fill a shot glass.

The wrong way: You’re using a product you don’t like.

To make it right: Find one you won’t skip.

Sunscreen comes in lots of forms -- spray, lotion, stick. Any kind will do the job so long as you use enough, Burris says. “Some people under-apply because their sunscreen feels or looks greasy. It’s important to find one you like.” (You can find non-greasy formulas specifically for your face, for example.) Whatever form you choose, make sure your pick is labeled “broad-spectrum” and has an SPF of at least 30.

The wrong way: You wait until you’re in the sun to put your sunscreen on.

To make it right: Slap it on early.

Don’t wait until you’re lying on your beach towel to put on your sunscreen; it takes time for your skin to absorb its protective ingredients so they can go to work. Apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before you’re exposed to the sun.

The wrong way: You think your dark skin will keep you safe.

To make it right: Always protect yourself.

Having naturally dark skin – or a tan -- doesn’t reduce your risk of developing skin damage from UV rays. Have you skipped sunscreen before without ending up burned? Even if your skin didn’t turn red, it may have suffered damage on a cellular level, raising your long-term risk of skin cancer. No matter what your complexion, it’s best to play it safe. Use sunscreen daily, check your skin regularly for physical changes and get an annual exam from your dermatologist.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Security and Risk Online: The rising threat of mobile malware

Cath's day was like any other - until she picked up her phone. It was dead except for a spinning penguin on its screen.

Her phone was locked and trapped inside was a year's worth of irreplaceable photos, messages, appointments and contacts.

For Cath this proved devastating: "I thought I had everything saved to the SIM, but that had been completely stripped of all information, photos, contacts, and texts. The photos in particular were the hardest loss to bear."

Sending her phone to her telco proved fruitless - they were unable to fix it. It wasn't a hardware failure. The only option that made any sense was malware, malicious software that is used to disrupt devices.

Mobile malware is becoming more commonplace both in New Zealand and overseas.

Mark Gorrie, Symantec's Australasian manager, said ransomware attacks (which sees PCs smartphones and other devices encrypted and locked until a fee gets paid) has increased by 163 per cent in the last 12 months.

Our part of the world is the third-most targeted region for ransomware attacks.

According to Symantec, cyber-crime is also growing. Identity thefts happen on average every two seconds.

Cybercrime affected 668 million people from 21 countries this year. Phishing attacks and other cyber-fraud cost US$126 billion globally last year.

Phones are increasingly targeted by cyber criminals as more people use them for online shopping.

The trouble is, it can difficult to tell if a website is genuine with a mobile browser and it can be easy to click an innocent-looking link or advert that then installs malware on your phone.

Vodafone offers six tips to avoid malware.

·         Only install applications from official app stores: If you own an Android device, you can set it to only allow authorised apps to be download from the Google Play store. Apple devices only allow apps from its store.
·         Do not jailbreak/root your device as this exposes it to threats.
·         Do not use the same username/passwords across all your apps or sites.
·         Ensure your device has a  password or PIN enabled. If it has a fingerprint scanner, use it
·         Keep the operating system up to date. Doing so ensures your device gets protected against any current vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malware.
·         Install mobile a security app (it'll detect and block malware) as well as a cloud-based photo app which will back up photos so they're not lost should your phone be stolen/broken or hacked.

One option as a security app is Symantec's latest version of Norton Mobile Security.

It can protect up to five devices so it should cover an entire household's PCs, smartphones and tablets.

The app offers basic malware protection at no cost but to get more advanced protection if you pay an annual fee of $99.

The free version includes antivirus/malware/spyware detection and removal, anti-theft capabilities, web protection plus call blocking.

The paid version features App Advisor which checks out apps installed on your phone and vets apps before you install them.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Online Security: ‘No refund if you lose money to cyber fraud through your fault’

Losing money to a cyber fraud may not earn you a refund from your bank if proven that you were at fault in the transaction, a consumer forum ruled recently.

The Additional Thane District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum last week dismissed a complaint by a Navi Mumbai couple, stating that they had not taken due care in handling their bank account.

The couple had filed the complaint against a multi-national private bank, alleging that it was responsible for fraudulent transfer of money from their account. The complaint stated that the couple was deceived by a fraudster who used the bank’s name. When they brought this to the attention of the bank, they did not receive a positive response, which constituted a deficiency in service, they claimed.

According to the complaint, the couple, who had a joint NRI account, received text messages from the bank informing them of four withdrawals from their account, which they did not make. When they tried to log in to their account to change the user ID for Internet banking, they found the password changed. The couple immediately informed the bank and asked them to disable their net banking facility and debit card. A complaint too was made with the bank and an FIR lodged with the cyber cell of the Mumbai police and the local Rabale police station. The cyber police investigated and found who the money had been transferred to, the plea stated. The bank, however, did not give a positive response to their complaint, it added.

“On perusal of the complaint, it appears that the complainant received a mail allegedly from the opposite party and he clicked on the link mentioned in the said mail and furnished details about his user id and password and other details as were asked in the email. Thereafter, the fraudster carried out fraudulent transactions,” the order states.

“It is apparent that the complainant has not been diligent in his operations related to banking and has given his user id and password to the fraudster/hacker on his own. The opposite party, the bank, always reminded its customers never to share user id and passwords of their bank accounts with anyone to prevent any unauthorised access to bank accounts,” the forum states, adding that the complainant had therefore given up protection to his bank account by giving the details to the fraudster. The forum dismissed the plea stating it was not maintainable.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group: Properly taking care of your car is beneficial

Keeping the good condition of your car requires regular maintenance, and if repair is needed, it should be done correctly to make sure of the safety of everyone concerned. Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group suggests that you maintain the safety standards of your car and ensure that it is always in perfect running condition.

Knowing how to brake a car properly usually comes first before learning how to move it forward or backward, which indicates that a person should be responsible for his or her own protection as well as of other people. Tyre&Auto also views this as an essential aspect of driving a car.

The local residents of South Coast of Hampshire trust the automobile services of Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group – a family-operated company that has a great background in trading car accessories and parts. They offer services such as car servicing, tyres, brake checks, MOT’s and free seasonal tune-ups and check-ups.

Need quick tyre fitting? Tyre&Auto caters online transactions that can deliver fast tyre quotation. They can provide local collect and delivery of your car with high-quality maintenance and repair. How about an MOT test? Tyre&Auto also has it wherein it involves checking the safety of your car and the amount of exhaust emission.

The company also provides necessary assistance to your annual MOT certificate requirements through their regular reminders, which includes the due of your test, to ensure that you will renew your road tax and car insurance at the right time.

Ease, mobility, personal comfort as well as financial returns are some of the benefits of owning a car, but such vehicle can also provide emotional or psychological benefits to an individual or a family. With this in mind, Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group will continue to provide trustworthy services to their customers and will make sure that they will only deliver the best automobile services to them.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Online Security: Fraud detection firm outs $1b Russian ad-fraud gang and its robo-browsing Methbot

A $1 billion Russia-based criminal gang has been bilking online advertisers by impersonating high-profile Web sites like ESPN, Vogue, CBS Sports, Fox News and the Huffington Post and selling phony ad slots, but that’s about to end.

Online fraud-prevention firm White Ops is releasing data today that will enable online advertisers and ad marketplaces to block the efforts of the group, which is cashing in on its intimate knowledge of the automated infrastructure that controls the buying and selling of video ads.

The group has been ramping up its activities since October so that it now reaps roughly $3 million to $5 million per day from unsuspecting advertisers and gives them nothing in return, says White Ops, which discovered the first hints of the scam in September.

When someone clicks on a video that’s posted to a Web page, the video is often preceded by a short advertising video known as pre-roll. The pre-roll slot is sold realtime – within 100 milliseconds – via an automated auction. That click to request the video is what initiates the ad auction, and the browser directly receives the pre-roll from the advertiser that wins, says White Ops CEO Michael Tiffany.

The system relies on information provided by the browser to verify what site the browser user is visiting and that it actually receives the pre-roll ad. “The ecosystem believes what the browser says about what site you’re at,” he says.

Beware Methobot

The gang, which Tiffany calls AFT13, has created a robo-browser called Methbot that spoofs all the necessary interactions needed to initiate, carry out and complete the ad transactions. So Methbot contacts an ad exchange and says it needs a pre-roll for a video on, for example. The system runs an instant auction, settles on an ad and sends it to Methbot, which verifies that it received it and played it.

Then the advertiser pays the entity the website that the browser claimed to be visiting, but that entity resolves ultimately to AFK13, not to Voguecom, in this example, he says.

Beyond this, AFK13 spoofs the geolocation of the IP addresses that the Methbot servers use so it seems they are all owned by U.S. internet service providers. The proxy IP addresses mask the fact that Methbot traffic is generated by servers as opposed to individual personal computers generating legitimate traffic. It also hides that the servers are located in data centers in Dallas and Amsterdam.

This helps Methbot duck detection mechanisms that look for a few IP addresses that generate enormous volumes of requests Tiffany says, enabling AFK13 to sell 200 million to 300 million false ad impressions per day for 1.3 cents per view on average, White Ops says. The fraud network does its work from an estimated 800 to 1,000 nodes in its data centers and operates 24 hours per day, with a sales cycle of 5 seconds per impression.

Methbot further avoids detection by selling the ads on more than 6,000 domains representing about 250,000 URLs.

To pull this all off, AFK13 has amassed an impressive infrastructure that includes:

·         The servers that generate all the Methbot browser activity.
·         A bank of 500,000 IPv4 addresses (worth about $4 million if sold on the open market).
·         A means of registering those IP addresses so they appear to be allocated to U.S. ISPs.
·         Methbot software.

The software has been upgraded over the period that White Ops became aware of it, Tiffany says. For example, White Ops first caught on to the scam when it noted a small error in an HTTP header used by the group. One value, known as Cache-Control, contained a colon, which violated the specification for that value. Since then the error has been corrected.

White Op has been blocking Methbot traffic for its customers, but the only way to stop it entirely is to release the list of URLs indicative of Methbot, the IP addresses used by AFK13 and the list of publisher domains it forges.

Tiffany says White Ops has also notified the FBI about the scam.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tokyo Online Security: US Leads The World In Online Fraud

Global retailers can expect 12 per cent growth in online fraudulent activity in the upcoming holiday season, compared with the same period last year — and lower ticket prices on fraudster-targeted gifts and products.

That’s the analysis which falls out of new benchmark data from ACI Worldwide.

The data, based on hundreds of millions of transactions from retailers globally, provides advice that merchants can leverage to protect against fraudulent activity this holiday season.

·         Card Not Present (CNP) global online fraud attempt rates are expected to increase 12 per cent by volume over the same peak holiday period in 2015 — with sales to increase by nearly the same rate (13 per cent) in 2016.
o   Fraud and new business growth are rising at the same rate globally.
·         S. CNP fraud attempt rates are expected to increase by 43 per cent by volume.
o   Following the US adoption of EMV chip cards, which protects card data through encryption, fraud is shifting online as fraudsters are more effectively deterred from in-store fraud.
·         The 2015 trend of lower ticket prices will continue in 2016, due to alternative shipping methods (e.g. buy online/pick-up in-store), low-priced electronics and promotions.
o   In the US, attempted fraud average ticket value (ATV), or a retailer’s average size of individual sales by credit card, is expected to decline from $239 to $219, an 8 per cent decrease.
o   Fraudsters are expected to focus on cosmetics, cordless headphones, sneakers and other lower-priced items (including ‘Gift with Purchase’ products) that can be easily resold on the black market or via auction websites

According to Mike Braatz, chief product officer, ACI Worldwide, “Fraud is increasing at a rate nearly equal to general retail growth globally — and is exponentially increasing in the US, due to a seismic shift from in-store to online activity.”

He added, “Because fraudulent activity is now considered to be an everyday occurrence, consumers and merchants must take every precaution as we head into peak holiday shopping season.”

Fraud will peak on Christmas Eve with nearly 2.5 per cent fraud, due to the popularity of gift cards and last-minute shopping via buy online-pick up in-store

“Merchants need to understand their peak days and the sales that drive those high velocity times to ensure risk strategies are effective and efficient,” said Braatz. “It’s important to prioritize real-time fraud detection without alienating the consumer experience.”